
Праздники и традиции в Великобритании

Автор: Гохман Ася Аркадьевна
Должность: учитель английского языка
Учебное заведение: ГБОУ г.Москвы "Кадетская школа-интернат № 9 "Московский пансион государственных воспитанниц"
Населённый пункт: Москва
Наименование материала: Открытый урок
Тема: Праздники и традиции в Великобритании
Раздел: полное образование


Открытый урок по английскому языку на

тему "Праздники и традиции в


Holidays and Traditions in Great Britain.
развивать любовь к предмету;

 провести практику речевой деятельности;  учить логическому высказыванию по теме; активизировать в речи учащихся ЛЕ по теме “Традиции и праздники”;
развивать интерес к культуре собственной страны; воспитывать уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка;
развивать межпредметную связь и познавательный интерес учащихся; развивать умение диалогической и монологической речи, способность к догадке, воображение;
итоговый по теме “Traditions, Manners”
наглядные пособия по праздникам; ТСО: стерео, видео магнитофон, телевизор; УМК Кузовлева В. П.


Т.: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Sit down, please. Today we will have an unusual lesson, because we'll speak about Holidays, Traditions and Customs of the English-speaking countries. Besides, there are too many guests today in our class-room, that's why let's show them our language skills. The topic of our lesson today will be "Holidays and Traditions in Britain". We'll see your knowledge of British traditions, sing songs, and have some funny competitions.


Т.: So, every country and nation has their own traditions and customs. It's very important to know traditions and customs of different people, especially if we want to know their language. We can't say: "
we know English
", if we do not know English traditions. Besides, they are very important in the life of English people. They are proud of their traditions and keep them up carefully. That's why we are going to know more about British holidays today.
As we know there are several holidays in the year. And today we'll talk about only late-autumn, winter and early-spring holidays in Britain and traditions connected with them. And, now, the first game. Look at the blackboard, please, and find the right date for every holiday: January, 1 Easter April – May New Year February, 14 Thanksgiving Day December, 25 St. Valentine's Day November,26 Hallowe'en October,31 Christmas PI: We celebrate New Year on the 1 st of January. P2: Easter is celebrated in April or May. P3:etc Т.: Thank you. Very good! I'm sure that you know many poems by heart. You are welcome. P1: "Five little pumpkins." Five little pumpkins sitting oh a gate The first one said "Oh my, it's getting late." The second one said "There are witches in the air." The third one said "But we don't care!" The fourth one said "Let's run and run and run!" The fifth one said "I'm ready for some fun." Ooooooo ooo went the wind and out went the light And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight. Т.: Well, children, guess, please, what holiday is it? P1: It is
Т.: Yes, you are right. Who can tell us about this holiday?
Р2: I can. Hallowe'en. We celebrate this holiday on the 31st of October. It is very funny and interesting holiday. People wear funny costumes and masks. They do funny pumpkins and like telling strange and horrible stories. Т.: Thank you. By the way, how do people celebrate it in our country? Is there holiday in our country? P3: Yes, we have such holiday nowadays, but we celebrate it only at schools and in the Universities. Т.: How do we do it? P4: We also put on funny costumes and masks and make funny pumpkins. Т.: Thank you. Great! But now, let's watch TV. (TCO - видеоролик о Дне Благодарения) What holiday is it? P1: It is
Thanksgiving Day
. Т.: Yes it is. And who can describe it? P3: I can. It's a great holiday, indeed! We celebrate it on the 26 th of November. On that day, family members gather at the house of an older relative, even if they live far away. All give thanks for everything good they have. Charitable organizations offer traditional meal to the homeless. The traditional thanksgiving meal consists of roast turkey, cranberry jelly, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. T: Yes, it's quite true. Thank you. So, let's speak about winter holidays. But, firstly, let's sing the song and guess what holiday is it? (TCО - аудиопрослушивание песни и воспроизведение учащимися под музыку) Ps: "We wish you a merry X-mas" We wish you a merry Christmas Good tidings to you We wish you a merry Christmas Wherever you are We wish you a merry Christmas Good tidings for Christmas And a happy New Year. And a happy New Year. Т.: When do people sing this song? P: On
Т.: Yes, you are right. Who tells us about X-mas in Britain? P4: I do. For most British families this is the most important festival of the year. There are a lot of traditions connected with Xmas, but the most important on is the giving of present. On X-mas Day the families will sit to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding.
On the Sunday before Xmas many churches hold a service. Every family has its own X-mas fir- tree. The 26 th of December is also a public holiday, called Boxing Day. People visit their friends and relatives, giving them presents. Т.: Good! Is it a religious holiday? P4: Yes, it is. Т.: Do we celebrate it in our country? P4: Yes, we do. Т.: When? P4: On the 7 th of January. Т.: Is it so important for us as for British people? P5: No, it is not. We began to celebrate it only some years ago. I hope it will be more popular. Т.: Thank you, very much. But now we'll sing another song. Do you know " Jingle Bells"? Let's sing it together. (TCО - аудиопрослушивание песни и воспроизведение учащимися под музыку) Ps: " Jingle Bells" Dashing through the snow In a one horse open sleigh O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way. Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh. Bells on bobtails ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight. Т.: Great! But, can we guess when do people sing it? P: Yes, we can. On
New Year Eve
. Т.: Please, who tells us about New Year in Britain and traditions, connected with it? Р5: I do. In Britain the New Year is not as widely celebrated as X-mas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at usual time. Others, however, do celebrate it in one way or another. The most common type of celebration is a New Year party.
There is a funny tradition connected with the New Year: The First Foot. This is the first visitor to enter a house on N Y's morning. He is a person of great importance. The First Foot must be a man because it is believed that if a woman first sets foot in the house, bad luck will follow throughout the year. Traditionally, the first visitor of the year must carry food, drink and coal into the house. Coal helps to make a fire in midwinter and there shall never be lack of food and drink during the coming year. Т.: Yes, it's very interesting custom. By the way, several weeks ago we also celebrated this holiday. How do we do it in our country? P5: We cooked much tasty food, dance and have funny all aver the night. I'd say that our people like this holiday most of all. Т.: Thank you. Well, soon we'll have a so wonderful holiday that we can't help mentioning about it. But, firstly, let's sing the 3 d song for today. (TCО - аудиопрослушивание песни и воспроизведение учащимися под музыку): Ps: " You are my sunshine" The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms. When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken, So I hung my head and I cried. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine; You make me happy when skies are gray. You' 11 never know, dear, how much I love you; Please don't take my sunshine away. Т.: How do you think, what about is this song? When do people usually sing it? P: On
St. Valentine's Day
. Т.: Yes, who will describe this holiday? P6: I will. St. Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 14 th of February. It's a day for sweethearts. It's the day that you show your friend or loved person what you feel. You can send candy to someone you think is special. Or you can send roses, the flower of love. Most people send " valentines". They can be funny and friendly. I like this holiday very much. As I know Red Rose symbolizes LOVE and Pink Rose - TENDERNESS. T: Thank you. Good! And, finally, the early-spring holiday, which we celebrate usually in April or May. What is it? P:
T: Yes, it is. Who can tell us about it? P7: I can. Easter is a spring holiday and it has a religious background. On Easter e celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Many modern Easter symbols came from pagan times: the egg was a fertility symbol, the Ester Bunny also is a symbol of a new life. Today children in Britain like eating candy bunnies and listening to the stories about the Easter bunny. T: Thank you. But I know you've learned the poem by heart for such an occasion. P7: Yes, I have. "The Bunnies" I have a chocolate bunny, And a bunny made of wool. 1 have a bunny that will hop It has a string to pull. I have a Peter Rabbit book With Bunnies four or five, The only kind I haven't A bunny that's alive. Т.: Thank you. You are great as usual! And now we'll have our second game which is called " Decorate the Egg". We have all necessary for it and you should do it as quickly as it possible. Well, start! (Рекомендации для работы: необходимо разделить учащихся на 3-4 творческие группы, заранее приготовить: вырезать из белой бумаги формата А4 деталь в форме “яйца”, всевозможные виды орнамента из цветной бумаги (полоски, зигзаги, кружочки, стрелочки и т.д.), раздать эти заготовки по одной на группу: 3 группы - 3 “яйца” с орнаментом и клей и в течение 5 минут учащиеся украшают “Пасхальное яйцо”.) (после проделанной работы) Т.: Well, very good! Your eggs are beautiful. But what do your eggs mean? P8: Blue colour means water or sky. P9: Red colour symbolizes sun or love. P10: etc. Т.: So, I know, that each of us has your own holiday. How do you think, what is it? P: It's a Birthday. Т.: Yes, it's a
. And I've heard that our classmate will have a birthday soon. That's why, P 10, tell us, please, how do you usually celebrate your own holiday? Pl0: Yes, I have a birthday in winter. I was born on the 26 th of February. I like this holiday most of all, because this holiday is only mine and my family. Usually we hold my birthday party in the evening at home. We invite my friends, cook something tasty, and a cake, of course, and have a good time together. Usually I have a lot of presents on my birthday and I'm really glad to have a good history book or any computer game as a present.
Т.: Very good! But we know that English-speaking people always sing a very famous song for such an occasion. Let's do it together. " Happy birthday to you..." (учащиеся поют известную песню, обращаясь к будущему имениннику). Т.: And, as a result, let's wish you friend something good and kind. I wish him to know French! And you... P11: I wish him be clever and strong. P1: I wish him have a good birthday party. Ps:...etc Т.: Great! But, finally, we'll have our last game. As we know every holiday has its own symbol or emblem and your task will be to find the emblem and the same holiday: 


New Year

Thanksgiving Day

St. Valentine's Day


(В качестве наглядности учитель может использовать любые тематические картинки, символизирующие праздники: “Пасхальное яйцо”, “Пасхального кролика”, “Рождественские подарки”, “Новогоднюю Ёлку”, “жареную индейку”, “торт со свечами” и т. д. и т. п.). Р2: The church (egg) is a symbol of Easter. P3: The fir-tree is a symbol of X-mas. P4: etc. Т.: Very good! Now I see, you know British holidays.


Our lesson is over. We've made so much today and as a conclusion of our lesson I wish you be always happy. And I extremely agree with Abraham Lincoln, who said "Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be". Study foreign languages, not only English, and know traditions of foreign people because of it's very interesting. Your marks are excellent. Let's say "Good-bye" to our guests. GOOD-BYE, MY FRIENDS!

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